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Our village here at Fairland Christian is always looking for people willing to share their God-given talent. There is always a place for you! Whether you are an artist, skilled at gardening, handy with an instrument, or gifted in interacting with children there is always a need for volunteers. We hope you will consider joining us for Sunday service and maybe someday make our church your home. 


We have several new opportunities that are just waiting on someone like you!

James 1:27 Guardians- As the Lord has directed us to protect and care for those who are vulnerable, lend your knowledge and expertise to this ministry watching out for the wellbeing of widows and single women, and elderly who may need help finding trustworthy resources to avoid being targeted by scammers. Depending on the need, men of FCC provide insight, direction or chaperoned services to help ensure the confidence and safety of our church's more vulnerable family members. Contact the church office to serve or request the assistance of this ministry. 


FORGED! Men's Ministry- This men's ministry is where iron sharpens iron. Leaders and participants in monthly men's gathering. Leaders schedule, prepare and lead events that may include breakfast, Bible discussion, guest speakers, video presentations, outdoor activities, etc. Men who attend to enjoy the events should also invite friends, engage in discussions, show hospitality to visitors, and maybe even help with cleanup as needed. Let's grow as men of God!


Joyful Noise Ministry- Bring your voice or musical instrument to informal "jam sessions" for fun and fellowship. Experiment with new songs, lift up old hymns, and join with other folks of varying levels of skill to praise God with music! Contact Pastor Paul.

Youth Scouting Ministry- Lead or support this ministry providing a Christian alternative for boys and girls in our church and our community to grow in Christ, as well as develop into well-rounded adult citizens. Contact Pastor Paul.

Member Contact Ministry- Engage in FCC's "in-reach" efforts by calling on members in need, sending cards and letters, responding to prayer requests, and disseminating church news. Contact Pastor Paul.


Social Media Administration- Use your talent to enhance and maintain the internet presence of FCC to better serve our members and our local community with encouragement, insight, important news and information presented with an attractive online appearance. Help draw more people to the FCC family, and all of us closer to Christ! Contact Pastor Paul.


Community Contact Ministry- An effective outreach effort requires communication with the world around us. Focus your "marketing" skills and interests on attracting our community to visit our various services and events. Create and post fliers, distribute invitations, prepare materials for EDDM postal delivery, and more. Contact Pastor Paul.

Inmate Communication Ministry- Provide hope and 
encouragement to mean and women serving time in the darkness of incarceration. Utilizing a proprietary email system, you can share your Christian witness with inmates in Indiana prisons. Their responses may request your prayers for safety and strength, or they may share their excitement in having reached a milestone in their recovery/rehabilitation efforts. This ministry requires training and guidance to help ensure your protection from common schemes, and is conducted personally by anyone choosing to patricipate with an understanding of the inherent risks. This is not a ministry conducted nor supervised by FCC, and the church cannot be responsible for the actions or consequences of those participating. Contact Pastor Paul for more details.


In-Home Small Groups- Whether you would like to attend host, or even lead an in-home Bible study group, you can count on experiencing fun and meaningful fellowship while growing in the Lord. To be convenient and effective, the various aspects of a small group can be tailored to serve its members in ways that best suit their needs (i.e. child care for young families, convenient dates and times, a rotation of locations to share hosting responsibilities, etc.) Contact the church office.


Education Committee- This committee oversees all the Christian Education programs of the church to include Vacation Bible School. The Sunday school Superintendent shall function as the chairman. Contact Don Tucker at 317-835-3335.


Worship Committee- This committee shall coordinate with the Pastor to insure unity of theme for the worship services. This shall incude music selections and order of worship. They may, if they so desire, assist the Pastor in planning sermon themes for the year. The music director shall be a member of this committee. Contact Pam Tucker at 317-835-4464.


Hospitality Committee- This committee shall be responsible for purchasing gifts for special occasions such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, and graduation, etc. They will also be responsible for purchasing flowers for the sanctuary for Easter and Christmas. This committee will also be responsible to provide door greeters for each Sunday and obtain information from visitors for use by the Pastor. Contact Shelley Snyder at 317-402-2935.


Youth Committee- This committee shall plan for and conduct all Youth Worship Services to include infant through Juniors, grades 5 and 6 as needed. They shall plan all Youth outings and activities. The Sunday school Superintendent shall be a member of this committee. Contact Don Tucker at 317-835-3335 or Pastor Paul.


Fellowship Committee- This committee shall plan and coordinate any dinners held at the church including the Annual Church Picnic. They shall plan all church activities. This includes preparation of Fellowship Hall for dinners-setting up tables and chairs, etc. Contact Terry Dodd at 317-797-8657.


Missions Committee- This committee will be responsible for community outreach when needed, i.e. food baskets, rent, utility bills, etc. in lie with the guidelines of the FCC Policy and Procedures Manual. The Missions Committee members shall be elected Deaconesses. Contact Sandra Martin at 317-835-8230, Shelly Snyder at 317-402-2935, and/or Becky Crum at 317-431-1404.


Audio Team- Responsible for all sound board activities, DVD/CD presentations during worship service and during special events such as Bible School, etc. Training on operation of the sound board equipment is available. Should be available to practice with the Praise Team. Contact Paster Paul.


Praise Team- Leads the congregation in singing during the church service and makes special presentations at other times of the year, such as Easter and Christmas. You can sing or play an instrument. The Praise Team meets at Noon on Wednesdays and at 9am on Sunday mornings. Contact Pam Tucker at 317-835-4464.


Greeters- One month of the year you would greet all those coming to the FCC Sunday morning service. Handing out the bulletin and for those first-time guests, seeing that they receive an FCC Welcome Packet. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know everyone at FCC. Contact Shelley Snyder at 317-402-2935.


Wednesday Morning Bible Study- This study is led by Sandra Crafton and meets at 10am on Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome. Contact Sandra Crafton at 317-512-1970.


Wednesday Evening Prophecy Class- This study is led by Larry Bius and meets at 7pm on Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. Contact Larry Bius at 317-370-9048.


Social Media Administration- Use your talent to enhance and maintain the internet presence of FCC to better serve our members and our local community with encouragement, insight, important news, and information presented with an attractive online appearance. Help draw more people to the FCC family, and all of us closer to Christ! Contact Pastor Paul.


 Communion Preparation- One month of the year you would be responsible to prepare communion.


Upkeep of Church- The trustees are responsible for the overall upkeep of the church facility. Sills needed are plumbers, carpenters, painters, those who can use snow removal equipemtn and snow shovels, do yard work and other maintenance functions to protect the physical assets of the church.


Projection Team- The team is responsible for all screen projection during the Sunday morning worship service and during special events such as Bible School, hymn sings, etc. Requires some computer knowledge; training is available. Should also be available to practice with the Praise Team.


Youth Activities- You can teach a Sunday school class, assist with the children during Children's Hour, become involved in the youth activities.


Faith Followers Club- This group meets throughout the year at special times in the Fellowship Hall. We usually have a meal which is enjoyed by all. Some months we have a speaker, special entertainment or a catered meal. It is a time for fun and fellowship. Contact Sharon Dras at 317-372-7087 or Sheri Crist at 317-756-1994.


Women at the Well- The ladies of the church meet throughout the year in the Fellowship Hall. Many special activities are planned. A business meeting is held to conduct the business of the church involving the women. All ladies of the church are welcome to attend. Contact Mary Miller at 317-383-7180.


Katie's Call- A program designed to help those battling fear, anxiety, and depression. In today's world there are a lot of added pressures and many unanswered questions. You are not alone. katie's call will provide a sounding board, a safe place, and hopefully help give you answers and direct you to a better life. There is a licensed counselor to lead the group and answer questions. The group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm. Contact Lynn Bass at 317-840-7728.





IT Person Needed.

Fairland Christian is looking for an IT person to support our computer systems. Please contact the church office if you have interest or a recommendation.


Church office: (317)835-2984


We are a group of imperfect people rejoicing in the mercy granted to us by God and his perfect son, Jesus Christ.




109 Mulberry Street

P.O. Box 430

Fairland, IN 46126




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