The Full Story
The Fairland Christian Church began on Sunday October 26, 1890 at 3PM. The first evangelists were Walter S. Smith and J. Casey Smith of the First Christian Church of Chicago.
These two ministers began work on Tuesday, October 28, 1890 in a small, old, brick schoolhouse which was located in Fairland. The building was heated by a stove, and light was supplied by several coal oil lamps. The pulpit was constructed from a dry goods box. An organ and a supply of songbooks were furnished by evangelist John K. Smith. The first sermon was entitled "The Heart and the Issue of Life."
A ground breaking ceremony was held on April 23, 1972 for the construction of a fellowship hall and educational building to meet the needs of a growing congregation. In 1975, a new baptistery was built with a beautiful hand-painted mural of the Jordan River. The Armstrong Property adjoining the church property was purchased in 1979 to provide for additional parking and, with God's blessing, land for future expansion.

The Greatest Commandment
Matthew 22:37.... Jesus replied "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, This is the first and greatest commandment."
Our prayer is to make the second hundred years even better than the first hundred.